Friday, December 2, 2011

Really...8 weeks since my last post

So sorry for the delay, but all you parents out there know life can get crazy when a new born enters your life. I noticed my last post was on October 5th...well I went into labor that night, ha! Chad and I took a long walk and was starting to feel crampy. After dinner Chad was getting ready for an early morning for work the next day when I told him I thought baby Side was on his way. Contractions started around 7:30 and by 9:00 we were on our way to the hospital. My first question when we got there was when do I get my epidural. Well, I did some walking, got admitted, and finally got the epidural at 2 in the morning. When I asked people what contractions felt like they would always will know, well trust me you will!! After the epidural is was smooth sailing until they broke my water about 5am and realized Baby Side went poo poo inside which means some type of stress. Well, shortly after I spiked a fever due to some infection, my dilation slowed, and by 9 my dr decided we needed to get baby Side out soon so c-section here we come. Once I heard the baby pooped I. The womb I knew it was a boy...i knew a girl wouldn't do that :). I will spare the details from the c-section but at 10:15 Caden Michael Side was born. He was perfect and we were so in love.
I had some complications with my epidural so didnt have the most pleasant hospital stay. Thank God for Chad because he had to do everything the first 2 weeks besides breastfeed due to my epidural. After 2 blood patches I was finally back on my feet and ready to be a mommy!!

These past 8 weeks have been amazing. Not gonna lie it takes so time getting used to waking up several times through the night. Caden isn't much of a sleeper. He loves to be up and looking around..I always promise him it's ok to sleep and I promise to fill him in on everything he missed when he wakes up! He is such a lover and loves to cuddle, kick his legs on the changing table, sleep in the baby bijorn while mommy does housework, go for car rides, and the smile on his face in the morning when I go get him out of his crib is the best!!! Sometimes in the middle of the night I don't want to put him back in his crib after a feeding bc I know it won't be much longer that I feed him in the middle of the night. It's bittersweet bc I'm also excited to get my sleep.

Life is good and we are excited for his 2 month apt next week. I'll update his stats then.

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